Hoary Bat

...enlarged, obviously. Have you ever had a chance to look at the adorable face of the bat??? If so, then you know why it is so easy to fall in love with these "air-swimming" mammals.

I spent many years in the wilderness of Serbian mountains. In the basement of the house I used to spend summer, there was a considerable colony of bats. At that time I was not skillful enough to distinguish the bat species, but nonetheless I was mesmerized with their presence and their completely cool attitude of letting me staring at them less than a foot apart, making funny faces at me. Just like with number of other life situations, we take them for granted. I thought bats are everywhere and easy to find - what's the big deal. Now I wish I had a colony of bats around the house. Perhaps some day I would be lucky to see up close one of many bats, amongst them Hoary ones, who perform an evening air-show in our backyard, which is ecotone and perfect bat hunting area.

pendants / ornaments / mirrors / purses / donations / miscellaneous / soft sculptures

hoary bat tanja sova pyrography